
(苏州大学计算机科学与技术学院,江苏 苏州 215006)

神经机器翻译; 循环神经网络; 系统融合; 注意力机制; 门机制

System combination method for neural machine translation
TAN Min,YIN Mingming,DUAN Xiangyu*

(School of Computer Science and Technology,Soochow University,Suzhou 215006,China)

neural machine translation; recurrent neural network; system combination; attention mechanism; gate mechanism

DOI: 10.6043/j.issn.0438-0479.201903015



To improve the generalization ability of the machine translation model, we have applied the system combination technology to the model training process based on the neural machine translation system.According to the encoder-decoder structure of the neural machine translation system, five combination methods are proposed,including average combination,weight combination, concatenation combination, gate mechanism combination and attention mechanism combination.They are applied to the combination of multiple encoders and one decoder,the combination of multiple encoders and multiple decoders and the combination of one encoder and multiple decoders,respectively.Subsequently,the method is applied to the Chinese-English translation task.Compared with the benchmark system,the BLEU value of the machine translation model improved by the system combination method is finally increased by 0.59-3.01 percentage point.Experimental results show that the system combination can effectively improve the translation quality.