
(厦门大学航空航天学院,福建 厦门 361005)

计算机辅助制设计/计算机辅助制造(CAD/CAM); 数字化系统; 映射一致性; 转换矩阵; 机器人加工; 轨迹偏差

Mapping Consistency Modeling and Processing Experiment in Robot Processing
FENG Liangyou,LIANG Zhipeng,XI Wenming*

(School of Aerospace Engineering,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,China)

computer aided design/computer aided manufacturing(CAD/CAM); digital system; mapping consistency; transformation matrix; robot processing; track deviation

DOI: 10.6043/j.issn.0438-0479.201801010


机器人加工采用计算机辅助制设计/计算机辅助制造(CAD/CAM)数字化系统产生加工轨迹,由于CAM空间与作业空间中的加工对象与机器人之间的转换矩阵不同,造成CAM空间中的轨迹向作业空间映射的偏差.利用机器人作为测量工具,通过测量加工对象上的特征点,获得CAM空间中加工对象模型相对作业空间中加工对象的位姿误差,从而对加工对象模型以及其上的轨迹点进行调整.通过反复测量特征点并运行机器人轨迹,实现加工对象模型位姿的递归调整,建立CAM空间与作业空间的映射一致性.对一复杂外形雕塑进行多侧加工,雕塑粗加工完成后,其双侧加工的不同侧加工部分偏移量为0.72 mm.

Robot machining usesthe computer aided design/computer aided manufacturing(CAD/CAM)digitization system to generate the robot machining trajectory.Due to the different transformation matrixes between the CAM space and the work object in the work space and the robot,the deviation of the trajectory in the CAM space from the work space map is formed.By using the robot as the measuring tool,the position and orientation errors of the processing object in the working space in CAM space can be obtained by measuring feature points on the processing object,to adjust the processing object model and the track point thereon.By repeatedly measuring characteristic points and running the trajectory of the robot, the pose and orientation of the processing object model can be recursively adjusted to realize the mapping consistency between the CAM space and the work space.Multi-sided processing of a complex shape sculpture,measuring the offset of the different processing parts after multi-side processing,after the roughing of the sculpture is completed,the offset of different processing parts of the bilateral processing reaches less than 0.7 mm.