
(弱)紧性的理想收敛刻画] 王 波*,施慧华,孟庆丰 (华侨大学数学科学学院,福建 泉州 362021)

极大理想; 理想收敛; 局部(弱)紧;(弱)紧

Characterization of Locally(Weakly)Compact Sets Via Ideal Convergence
WANG Bo*,SHI Huihua,MENG Qingfeng

(School of Mathematical Sciences,Huaqiao University,Quanzhou 362021,China)

maximal ideal; ideal convergence; locally(weakly)compact;(weakly)compact

DOI: 10.6043/j.issn.0438-0479.201802002



This paper applies ideal convergence to the research of Banach spaces.Such an application characterizes locally(weakly)compact sets by using the(weakly)maximally ideal convergence of the sequence.Consequently,we can also get the characterization of(weakly)compact sets via(weakly)maximally ideal convergence.