
(1.厦门城市职业学院电子与信息工程系,福建 厦门 361008; 2.厦门大学信息科学与技术学院,福建 厦门 361005)

Linux统一加密设置认证; 密钥派生函数; 安全散列算法; 高级加密标准ST-box; 流水线架构

A Pipelined Implementation of the Linux Unified Key Setup Authentication Scheme on Field-programmable Gate Array
YANG Wenyong1,HUANG Lu2,WU Kongcheng2,

(1.Department of Electronics and Information Engineering,Xiamen City University,Xiamen 361008,China; 2.School of Information Science and Engineering,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,China)

Linux unified key setup(LUKS)authentication; password-based key derivation function(PBKDF2); secure hash algorithm(SHA-1); avanced encryption standard(AES)ST-box; pipelined architecture

DOI: 10.6043/j.issn.0438-0479.201710021


Linux统一加密设置(LUKS)是Linux操作系统的标准磁盘加密认证规范并得到广泛应用.由于其算法构成复杂且所需资源较多,如何利用单个现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的有限资源来实现整个算法并获得高吞吐率是研究工作的重点和难点.为此,研究了一种高能效的LUKS认证算法流水线架构,包括采用4级流水线的安全散列算法(SHA-1)和8级流水线的基于密码的密钥派生函数(PBKDF2)-基于哈希消息验证代码(HMAC)-SHA-1),并使用块随机存取存储器(BRAM)实现了基于S盒和T盒(ST-box)映射表的高级加密标准(AES)-128-电子密码本模式(ECB)算法,以节省FPGA的查找表资源用于上述的流水线架构实现.运行结果显示本设计的密码遍历速度达到了342 s-1,功耗仅为5.27 W,每个密钥的平均计算能量为0.015 J.口令恢复速度超过了工作频率为700 MHz、480核的GTX 480图像处理器(GPU),同时其能耗仅为GPU的1/13.

Linux unified key setup(LUKS)is regarded as the most popular full disk encryption solution implemented in Linux.A high throughput and pipelined architecture of LUKS authentication scheme is implemented on a field-programmable gate array(FPGA)with limited resources,including the four-stage pipeline structure of secure hash algorithm(SHA-1)algorithm,the eight-stage pipeline structure of password-based key derivation function(PBKDF2)-hash-based message authentication code(HMAC)-SHA-1 algorithm and the hardware design of advanced encryption standard(AES)-128-electronic code book(ECB)algorithm based on S-box and T-box(ST-box).Results show that the recovery speed of a password is 342 s-1,power consumption is only 5.27 W,and the average calculation energy per password is 0.015 J.With the authentication system running in the 195 MHz,the password recovery speed is faster than the 480 cores GTX 480 GPU running in 700 MHz,while its power consumption is only 1/13 of the GPU.