
(1.浙江省海洋水产研究所,农业部重点渔场渔业资源科学观测实验站,浙江省海洋渔业资源可持续利用 技术研究重点实验室,浙江 舟山 316021; 2.中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所,上海 200090)

日本黄姑鱼; 挂牌标志; 金属线码标志; 切腹鳍标志

Comparison of Three Tagging Methods for the Release of Nibea japonica
XU Kaida1,WANG Haoxue1,JIANG Yazhou2,HU Cuilin1,WANG Zhongming1,LU Zhanhui1,ZHU Wenbin1,CHAI Xuejun1,ZHOU Yongdong1*

(1.Scientific Observing and Experimental Station of Fishery Resources for Key Fishing Grounds,Key Laboratory of Sustainable Utilization of Technology Research for Fisheries Resources of Zhejiang Province,Ministry of Agriculture,Marine Fisheries Research I

Nibea japonica; H-bar tagging; coded wire tagging; ventral sundering tagging

DOI: 10.6043/j.issn.0438-0479.201705012


采用挂牌、金属线码和切腹鳍3种标志方法对大规格(平均体长(10.3±0.6)cm)和小规格(平均体长(6.8±0.5)cm)的日本黄姑鱼(Nibea japonica)进行标志实验.14 d室内暂养实验结果表明:3种标志方法对日本黄姑鱼平均成活率影响不大; 而挂牌标志组标志成功率显著低于其他各组(p<0.05),且其中大规格组标志成功率显著高于小规格组(p<0.05).除肝体比外,标志鱼的主要生长指标受标志方法影响均极显著(p<0.01); 饵料转换效率和脏体比受标志鱼体规格影响极显著(p<0.01); 标志方法和鱼体规格的交互作用对脏体比影响显著(p<0.05),对饵料转换效率和肝体比影响极显著(p<0.01).3种标志方法中挂牌标志组的多项生长指标与对照组差异显著(p<0.05),金属线码标志组的饵料转换效率和切腹鳍标志组的脏体比与对照组差异显著(p<0.05),其他生长指标无显著差异.综合分析得出:切腹鳍可用于短期标志,金属线码标志对鱼体生长影响较小,当日本黄姑鱼体长大于10.0 cm时可采用挂牌标志法以提高标志鱼回捕率.

The tagging experiments were conducted on large(average length of(10.3±0.6)cm)and small(average length of(6.8±0.5)cm)Nibea japonica with three fish-tagging methods,i.e.H-bar tagging,coded wire tagging,and ventral sundering tagging.After a fortnight temporary rearing experiment,the result was as follows:all the three fish-tagging made no significant difference on the survival rate,and the success rate of tagging large group was evidently higher than that of tagging small group(p<0.05),but the success rate of H-bar tagging group was significantly lower than that of the other two groups(p<0.05).In addition to the liver to body weight ratio,different tagging methods significantly affected tagged fishes' primary growth indexes(p<0.01).Likewise,the forage conversion efficiency and the organ to body weight ratio were extremely influenced by the size of N. japonica(p<0.01).The interaction between these two factors significantly affected the organ to body ratio(p<0.05),and extremely influenced the forage conversion efficiency and the liver to body weight ratio(p<0.01).Compared to the control group,the H-bar tagging group showed significant differences in various growth indexes(p<0.05),while the coded wire tagging group and ventral sundering tagging group only showed significant differences in the forage conversion efficiency and the organ to body weight ratio(p<0.05),respectively.Accordingly,it is recommended that the ventral sundering tagging method is applicable for a short time tagging,and the coded wire tagging method has small effect on the growth of fish.As for N. japonica,when the body length is greater than 10.0 cm,it is suggested to adopt the H-bar tagging method in order to increase the recapturing rate.