
(厦门大学航空航天学院,福建 厦门 361005)

STM32; 继电器; 参数检测; 网络化; 智能化

The Development of Online Programmable Electrical Parameter Detection System for Relay
HONG Yongqiang,LI Qigan,CHEN Yuan,XUE Wendong*,DU Zixian

(School of Aerospace Engineering,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,China)

STM32; relay; parameter detection; networking; intelligent

DOI: 10.6043/j.issn.0438-0479.201705030


随着“工业4.0”的发展,制造业对生产过程要求更加网络化和智能化.针对目前继电器电气参数检测过程不能自适应不同型号继电器,网络化不足等缺点,设计了一种基于STM32F407单片机的电磁继电器电气参数在线检测系统.该系统使用基于轻量级IP(light weight IP,LwIp)的莫迪康总线(Modbus)通信协议,通过有线或者无线的方式实现了数据的网络化在线传输,而用户可以通过本地或者以太网实现系统参数的线下、线上设置.经过多次的随机测量实验,该检测仪的数据变异系数和相对误差均小于5%.

With the development of "industry 4.0",the manufacturing sector needs to be more networking and intelligent.The current electrical parameter detecting process of relay cannot adapt to different types and lacks networking.In order to solve these problems,we design an online detector for electromagnetic parameters of electromagnetic relay based on STM32F407.The detector uses the Modbus communication protocol based on the LwIP(light weight IP),which realizes the data transmission through wired or wireless way.Users can regulate detector parameters offline or online by local or Ethernet.After repeated random measurement experiments,the variation coefficient and relative error of data are both less than 5%.