
(福建省水产研究所,福建省海洋生物增养殖与高值化利用重点实验室, 福建省海洋生物资源开发利用协同创新中心,福建 厦门 361013)

福建牡蛎; “金蛎1号”; 数量性状; 相关系数; 决定系数; 通径分析

Correlation and Path Analysis of Quantitative Traits of Different-age "Golden Oyster #1" Crassostrea angulata
WU Qisheng,NING Yue,ZENG Zhinan*,QI Jianfei,GUO Xiang,JIA Yuanyuan

(Key Laboratory of Cultivation and High-value Utilization of Marine Organisms in Fujian Province,Fujian Collaborative Innovation Center for Exploitation and Utilization of Marine Biological Resources,Fisheries Research Institute of Fujian,Xiamen 361013,Ch

Crassostrea angulata; "Golden Oyster #1"; quantitative trait; correlation coefficient; determination coefficient; path analysis

DOI: 10.6043/j.issn.0438-0479.201704054


随机选取1~4龄的“金蛎1号”福建牡蛎(Crassostrea angulata)个体各50个,分别测量壳长、壳高、壳宽、体质量和肉质量(即软体部质量)5个数量性状.采用相关性分析和通径分析的方法分别计算了不同贝龄群体的体质量和肉质量的通径系数和决定系数.相关性分析结果显示,除3龄群体中壳高和体质量相关系数最大外,其他贝龄群体均是体质量和肉质量的相关系数最大(p<0.05).根据多元回归分析结果,对体质量和肉质量分别建立了不同贝龄群体的4个多元回归方程.通径分析结果表明:1~2龄群体中影响体质量的主要因素为壳宽,3~4龄群体中则为壳高; 各贝龄群体中影响肉质量的主要因素均为壳宽和体质量.决定系数分析结果与通径分析结果一致.上述结果为福建牡蛎人工选育工作的开展提供了基础资料.

To study the difference of quantitative traits of "Golden Oyster #1" Crassostrea angulata at different ages(1-4 age),the shell length(SL),shell height(SH),shell width(SW),total weight(TW)and meat weight(MW)of 50 individuals were measured.With the morphological traits(SL,SH and SW)used as independent variables,the quality traits(TW and MW)as dependent variables,the path coefficients and determinant coefficients of different-age C. angulate were calculated using correlation analysis and path analysis.The results showed that the correlation coefficients of SH and TW of the 3 age group were the highest among the four populations of diffe-rent ages,while for other populations(1,2 and 4 age),the highest correlation coefficients appeared between MW and TW(p<0.05).According to the results of multiple regression analysis,four regression equations were established for MW and TW of different-age groups.The results of path analysis showed that SW was the major factor affecting TW for the 1-2 age groups,and SH was the major factor for the 3-4 age groups.The major traits affecting MW in the 1-4 age groups were SW and TW.The determination coefficient analysis showed a similar trend to that of path analysis.Therefore,the results of this study could provide a basis for further development of artificial breeding of C. angulata.