
(1.广西壮族自治区海洋研究所,广西海洋生物技术重点实验室,广西 北海 536000; 2.厦门大学海洋与地球学院,福建 厦门 361102)

日本囊对虾; 生长性状; 遗传参数; 遗传力; 遗传相关

Estimation of Genetic Parameters for Growth Traits of the G3 Population of Marsupenaeus japonicus
ZHONG Shengping1,2*,MAO Yong2,WANG Jun2,SU Yongquan2

(1.Guangxi Key Laboratory of Marine Biotechnology,Guangxi Institute of Oceanology,Beihai 536000,China; 2.College of Ocean & Earth Sciences,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361102,China)

Marsupenaeus japonicus; growth traits; genetic parameters; heritability; genetic correlation

DOI: 10.6043/j.issn.0438-0479.201704014


采用自然交尾的方式,于2011年同期构建了16个日本囊对虾(Marsupenaeus japonicus)第3世代选育群体(G3群体)的全同胞家系,利用荧光硅胶体内标记技术进行家系标记后,在室外高位池混养2个月进行生长性状数据测定及遗传参数评估.结果显示:生长性状的变异系数为9.84%~27.36%,说明存在较高的遗传变异.日本囊对虾G3群体生长性状的遗传力范围为(0.202 7±0.087 1)~(0.423 3±0.138 5),属中、高度遗传力,统计检验结果显著(p<0.01).其中头胸甲长的遗传力最高,为0.423 3±0.138 5; 其次是第一腹节宽的遗传力,为0.407 3±0.135 3; 第一腹节高的遗传力最低,为0.202 7±0.087 1; 体长和体质量的遗传力分别为(0.385 2±0.151 7)和(0.390 3±0.197 9).生长性状间遗传相关性的评估结果均为高度正相关,并且统计检验结果显著(p<0.01),其中体质量和体长之间的遗传相关性最高,为0.989±0.014,头胸甲高和第一腹节高的遗传相关性最低,仅0.775±0.072.生长性状表型数据间均呈显著相关,属中、高度相关.其中体质量和体长之间的表型相关性最高,为0.947±0.016; 头胸甲高和第一腹节高的最低,为0.571±0.149.综上:日本囊对虾G3群体具有较高的遗传改良潜力,采用家系选育结合个体选育可获得较好的选育效果; 生长性状间呈高度遗传正相关,可选择将体长和体质量作为生长选育的重点性状纳入综合选择指数中,其余的生长性状通过正遗传相关可获得间接选育效果,最终提高其生产性能.

Sixteen full-sib families of Kuruma shrimp(Marsupenaeus japonicus)were constructed by group mating in an indoor scaffolding shrimp pond.Fifty individuals were randomly selected from each of these visible implant elastomer(VIE)tagged full-sib families after being cultured in a higher-place pond for two months.Body weight,body length,carapace length,carapace hight,carapace width,the first abdominal segment width and the first abdominal segment hight were measured to estimate the genetic parameters for growth traits of the G3 population.The heritability of growth traits and the genetic and phenotypic correlations among growth traits were evaluated using an animal model and the restricted maximum likelihood method.The coefficient of variation of growth traits ranged from 9.84% to 27.36%,indicating high genetic variance in growth traits.The heritability for growth traits ranged from(0.202 7±0.087 1)to(0.423 3±0.138 5).Among them,the maximum heritability of the carapace length was 0.423 3±0.138 5,followed by the heritability of the first abdomen segment width which was 0.407 3±0.135 3,the lowest heritability of the first abdomen segment hight was 0.202 7±0.087 1,and the heritability of body length and body weight were(0.385 2±0.151 7)and(0.390 3±0.197 9),respectively,indicating medium to high level of genetic improvement for growth potential.The genetic correlations among growth traits were high,among which,the highest genetic correlation between body weight and body length was 0.989±0.014,and the lowest genetic correlation between carapace hight and the first abdominal segment hight was only 0.775±0.072.The phenotypic correlations among growth traits were siganificant,among which,the highest phenotypic correlation between body weight and body length was 0.947±0.016,and the lowest phenotypic correlation between carapace height and the first abdominal segment hight was 0.571±0.149.As a conclusion,family selection combined with within-family selection are suitable for long time breeding improvement for growth traits of the G3 population of Kuruma shrimp,and body weight and body length are suggested to be selected as the key traits for overall consideration,and the high genetic correlations among growth traits indicate that all the other growth traits can be improved through indirect selection.