
(厦门大学 环境与生态学院,滨海湿地生态系统教育部重点实验室,福建 厦门 361102)

红树林; 气候变暖; 低温胁迫; 潮汐淹水; 海平面上升; 造林

Research Progresses of Mangrove Cold-tolerant Classes and Seral Classes,and Their Responses to Climate Change
CHEN Luzhen*,ZHENG Wenjiao,YANG Shengchang,WANG Wenqing,ZHANG Yihui

(Key Laboratory of the Coastal and Wetland Ecosystems,Ministry of Education,College of the Environment & Ecology,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361102,China)

mangroves; warming; cold stress; tidal inundation; sea-level rise; forestation

DOI: 10.6043/j.issn.0438-0479.201612004


1985年开始,林鹏院士及其研究团队开始从红树植物起源和分布的角度,探讨我国红树植物的耐寒性和向海性等级系列; 并与红树林造林的宜林地选择相结合,从适应机制到造林实践深入研究红树植物生理生态学.这一系列成果均为红树林全球变化研究提供了基础信息,在我国乃至国际红树林全球变化研究领域都是很有价值的.综述了林鹏院士及其研究团队三十多年来在耐寒性等级系列对气候变暖和极端气候的响应,向海性等级系列对海平面上升的适应性,以及宜林地选择三方面的研究进展.

From 1985,Lin Peng and his research team began mangrove research in the aspect of plant origin and distribution and set up cold-tolerant classes and seral classes in mangrove species in China.Combined with suitable lands for mangrove forestation,one aspect of their intensive studies was focused on the eco-physiological adaptive mechanisms and the mangrove afforestation practice.The serial studies are in the frontier in mangrove global change ecology in China and even over the world,which provide us solid foundations today.In this review,we focus on three aspects of achievements of Lin Peng and his research team for the last three decades:the cold-tolerant classes and their response to warming and extreme climate,seral classes and their adaptation to sea-level rise,and selection of suitable land for mangrove forestation.