
(厦门大学海洋与地球学院,福建 厦门 361102)

虾青素; 雨生红球藻; 产业化; 光生物反应器

Recent Advances in Haematococcus pluvialis Scale Culture Technology
CAI Minggang*,LI Feng

(College of Ocean & Earth Sciences,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361102,China)

astaxanthin; Haematococcus pluvialis; industrialization; photobioreactors

DOI: 10.6043/j.issn.0438-0479.201606101


作为一种重要的类胡萝卜素,天然虾青素因其强抗氧化能力而具有抗癌、增强免疫、抗紫外线、着色等功效,故具有很高的经济价值和市场需求.雨生红球藻(Haematococcus pluvialis)被公认为天然虾青素的最佳来源,现已成功实现规模化培养.另一方面,由于其生长缓慢、易受污染等特点使其大规模高密度培养受到限制,该领域研究遂成为当前国际研究和生产方面的重要课题.目前,雨生红球藻规模化培养技术主要分为开放式和封闭式两类,后者主要包括管道式光生物反应器、立柱式光生物反应器、平板式光生物反应器、薄膜式光生物反应器以及半球体式光生物反应器等培养技术.归纳和总结了目前全球雨生红球藻产业化培养的技术现状,并对新的培养技术做了简单的介绍,以期为我国雨生红球藻规模化养殖提供技术参考.

As an important carotenoid,natural astaxanthin has anti-cancer,enhancing immunity,anti-UV,coloring and other effects as a result of its strong antioxidant ability,so it has a high economic value and market demand.Haematococcus pluvialis is considered the best source of natural astaxanthin and now it has successfully achieved largescale cultivation.On the other hand,its growth is slow,vulnerable to pollution so as to make large-scale high-density culture limited.The research in this area is becoming an important subject of international research and production.Currently,H. pluvialis cultivation technology is divided into two categories,open and closed,with the latter including tubular photobioreactor,bubble column photobioreactor,flat panel photobioreactor,thin-film photobioreactor and hemispheric photobioreactor culture techniques.Through literature research,we summarized the current state of the global H. pluvialis industrial culture technology and did a brief introduction to a new culture technology,in order to provide a technical reference for scale farming of H. pluvialis in our country.
